It is good to set goals and plan; however, if you do not act on the plans, nothing gets done. There is a Chinese saying- “you cannot use words to cook a pot of rice”.

The same applies to virtually everything in life. The main challenge that prevents one from taking action is fear of failure, rejection, or criticism. It is important you build self-confidence, that will fuel your ability to take action.

“You cannot use words to cook a pot of rice”

Chinese Saying.
Dotun Osiyemi

Enough of the procrastination. You may just be “toying” with your destiny and doing a great disservice to your potential, by failing to act on certain gifts/talents you may excel in if you step out in faith.

You can start small; never despise days of little beginning. Most great corporations and businesses started small in the sitting rooms or garages of their founders.

Remember: No one ever builds a reputation on what he/she is yet to do.

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